Publication: LouReviews.Blog
By: Louise Penn
Date: November 18, 2020

More of a dramatic piece than a concert, Ute Lemper (once described as “the new Marlene”) brings back the memory of the progressive woman, “Hollywood icon, chanteuse, soldier”, through song and speech. The woman who phoned her out of the blue back in the 80s, bringing their stories together in this touching show. This is Ute Lemper – Rendezvous With Marlene.

Sumptuously filmed with high production values, Lemper’s show, running at over two hours, is a feast for the eyes and ears. From the first note of Falling in Love Again (sung in German and English), we are in the presence of a practiced cabaret performer celebrating one of the very best. There is love up here on the screen and it shows.

I recall first seeing Lemper performing the catalogue of Kurt Weill. Her phrasing and deep connection to the music was apparent, and evoked memories of the singing of Lotte Lenya in works such as Die Dreigroschenoper. Now in glamorous late middle age, she has grown in style and stature.

Dietrich, of course, is iconic, whether in recordings, on the screen, or as a woman (androgynous, bisexual, polygamous, brave, outspoken, beautiful). Her image from all those black and white photographs, and her deep, husky voice, are instantly recognisable. You can believe she chatted to world leaders from her reclusive home in her final years.

Rendezvous with Marlene is perfect late night viewing, filmed in locked-down New York. Lemper displays a warm intimacy with her band and despite a lack of live audience, engages with the online viewers. Dietrich herself appeared a little more aloof in concert footage late in life, but this is no simple imitation. It is a snapshot in a remarkable life than made an impression on a young performer.

As an admirer of both women, I jumped at the chance to review this film. It inevitably loses that magical atmosphere and power which comes with live theatre and sharing a moment with other audience members and the performers, but Lemper’s respect for her subject is evident throughout and her own brand of allure and musical talent will keep audiences enthralled.

Ute Lemper – Rendezvous With Marlene, filmed at Club Cumming in New York with Alan Cumming and Ute Lemper as producers, will be streamed globally on three evenings. Thu 19 November at 7pm (UK time), Wed 25 November at 1am, and Sat 5 December at 7pm.

Booking link: $25 per ticket.

LouReviews received complimentary access to review Rendezvous With Marlene.

Read The original article online here.

“Dear friends,

I am so glad that we are able to post my Rendezvous with Marlene again for streaming.

After receiving many calls to re-stream the event, we now did some wonderful re-edits and post-production to make it even more magical.

I am so happy to see you all again and stay in touch in the midst of this time out.

Miss you all and much love,

Click here to select your tickets to view the re-stream.

Publication: JazzPodium
Date: October 2020


Nachdem Ute Lemper 1987 einen Moliere, den nationalen Theaterpreis Frankreichs, als beste Nachwuchsdarstellerin in der Pariser Version des Musi­cals »Cabaret« fur ihre Rolle der Sally Bowles erhalten hatte, schrieb sie eine Postkarte an Marlene Dietrich und entschul­digte sich bei dieser dafür, dass die Medien sie immer wieder mit ihr verglichen und sie als »junge Marlene« feierten. Später tele­fonierten die beiden drei Stun­den lang über Gott und die Welt – lnitialzündung und Basis fur ihre Show »Rendezvous mit Marlene« und auch fur diese CD. Sie enthält Songs aus alien Lebensabschnitten der Dietrich, van den Berliner Kabarettjahren bis zu ihrer Zusammenarbeit mit Burt Bacharach. Ute Lem­per ist in dieser Hommage wesentlich dichter am Jazz als Marlene Dietrich. Aber man sollte nicht das stimmliche Po­tenzial der beiden vergleichen – zu verschieden sind die beiden Persönlichkeiten. Lemper hat sich längst ins Spitzenfeld der grossen Entertainerinnen gesun­gen und ist unbestritten einer der wenigen deutschen Welt­stars. Aber diese ganz spezielle »fesche Lola« singt hier und heute, jenseits oiler Nostalgien. Natürlich hat sie noch einen Koffer in Berlin. Und natürlich erweist sie ouch Edith Piaf ihre Reverenz. Aber es ist und bleibt eines der besten und jazzigsten Alben der Lemper. Cole Porters »The Laziest Gal in Town« und »When the World Was Young« aus dem Repertoire von Frank Sinatra sind vielleicht die Höhe­punkte, aber auch »Wenn ich mir was wunschen durfte« und »Falling in Love Again« verkör­pern perfekt dieses ganz spezielle und zeitlose »Heimweh nach der Traurigkeit« jenseits aller tagesaktuellen Befindlich­keiten. 

Click here for pdf from publication.

Publication: New Jersey Jazz Society
Reviewer: Joe Lang
Date: June 29, 2020

When she received much acclaim for her 1988 performance in the Paris staging of Cabaret, including some comparisons to Marlene Dietrich, German actress/singer UTE LEMPER felt embarrassed by this, and wrote a note to Dietrich apologizing for the comparison.  She received a phone call from Dietrich in return, and during their lengthy conversation, Dietrich recalled much of what had occurred in her life.  It was an occasion of great significance for Lemper.  A few years ago, Lemper created Rendezvous With Marlene (Jazzhaus – 184). This show, originally done as a cabaret performance, provided an overview of Dietrich’s life and career, with Lemper performing 20 songs associated with Dietrich.  I saw the show at the York Theater last year and greatly enjoyed it.  Lemper does an effective job of capturing the Dietrich persona, but also brings much of her own performing personality to the production.  She is an accomplished actress and singer, who moves easily between being herself and channeling Dietrich.  The recording contains only the musical portion of the show, but stands nicely on its own.  (

Click here for the original online review.