Publication: Gloria
Date: 29 January, 2020

Photo: Russ Rowland

Svjetska glazbena i glumačka senzacija – Ute Lemper stiže u Off ciklus Zagrebačke filharmonije i najavljuje nezaboravnu večer Rendezvous with Marlene koju jednostavno morate doživjeti!

Ako postoji jedna riječ koja bi istinski svjetsku umjetnicu kao što je Ute Lemper mogla opisati, onda je to jednostavno – diva!

Nemoguće je pobrojati što je sve napravila u kazalištu, na koncertnoj sceni, u filmu… Poharala je i londonski West End i newyorški Broadway. Ostvarila je najveće uloge i gostovala na najvećim pozornicama svijeta.

Nominirana je za američki Grammy, a osvojila je dvije najprestižnije nagrade koje je u kazalištu uopće moguće poželjeti – Oliviera u Londonu i Molièrea u Parizu.

Već trideset godina razvija blistavu karijeru s kojom se može pohvaliti malo koji umjetnik. I uz sve to majka je četvero djece!

Realizirala je i niz sjajnih autorskih projekata u čast Weillu, Edith Piaf, Nerudi, Piazzolli, Coelhu…

Posljednji takav posvetila je velikoj filmskoj divi Marlene Dietrich s kojom je često uspoređuju, a upravo taj projekt u petak 14. veljače predstavit će i u Off ciklusu Zagrebačke filharmonije u Koncertnoj dvorani Vatroslava Lisinskog s početkom u 19:30 sati!

Program intrigantnoga naslova Rendezvous with Marlene temelji se na telefonskom razgovoru koji su dvije umjetnice vodile pred tridesetak godina, kada su obje živjele u Parizu. Ute pjeva najljepše pjesme koje je pjevala i Marlene te priča priču njezina, ali i svojega vlastitog života.

Zagreb je samo jedna od postaja velike svjetske turneje, koja među ostalim uključuje i Berlin, Pariz te Milano. Doživite jedinstveni spoj najljepših pjesama koje je pjevala Marlene Dietrich i uživajte u čaroliji glazbe i glume u interpretaciji svjetske dive – Ute Lemper!

Click here to read the article online on Gloria

Photo by: Lucas Allen

Publication: Edinburgh News
By Liam Rudden
Thursday, 16th January 2020

IT was an unexpected call that led West End and Broadway star Ute Lemper to write Rendezvous With Marlene, her critically acclaimed one-woman show, which she tours to the Queen’s Hall on Saturday 8 February.

Awarded the Moliére Award for her performance as Sally Bowles in the musical Cabaret when it played in Paris, the young Lemper decided to write a postcard to Hollywood legend Marlene Dietrich, who was also living in the French capital, to apologise for all the media attention she was garnering, much of which compared her with the legendary icon.

It was 1988 and Lemper was just at the beginning of her career while Dietrich, then st the grand old age of 89, was looking back on a long, fulfilled life of movies, music, incredible collaborations, love stories and global stardom.

Somehow Dietrich managed to track her down and called her out of the blue. The icon stayed on the line for an “unforgettable” three hours sharing stories of her life and career with the young singer. Three decades on and direct from a sold out critically acclaimed London season, the musical theatre star recalls that conversation in Ute Lemper: Rendezvous With Marlene.

For 35 years, Lemper has been compared to Dietrich and this is her personal homage to the star. The evening is a dialogue between the two, exploring Dietrich’s career and personal life from the beginning, in a timeline that eventually meets Lemper’s timeline with a continuation of their parallel stories. Along the way, Lemper sings Dietrich’s most beautiful songs and reveals some captivating secrets of her life.

Lemper says, “Rendezvous with Marlene’ means a lot to me – it is my personal homage to that great lady. There are many portraits of Marlene out there, but this one is coming from my heart. Audiences are in for an incredible story; history, fate, courage, style, politics, glamour and sex, talent and a huge career.”

Six days before Lemper’s opening night playing the part of Lola in the 1992 production of Blue Angel in Berlin – the role that had made Dietrich a star in 1928 – Dietrich passed away in Paris.

In the show, Lemper recalls all the chapters of Dietrich’s amazing life, from the Berlin cabaret years to her fabulous Burt Bacharach collaborations.

It was those collaborations that brought Dietrich to Edinburgh in 1964, when she appeared at the Royal Lyceum as part of the International Festival programme of that year.

Lemper says, “56 Years after Marlene Dietrich last sang in Edinburgh at the Lyceum Theatre with Burt Bacharach, I am coming to your glorious city to tell her true story. I have personally waited 30 years to reach an age that is closer to her at the time when we spoke on the phone some 30 years ago and to channel her sorrow, spirit and courage.

“Marlene’s story is everything from personal and symbolic, political and glamorous, sad and entertaining and spreads through a century until the present. Marlene was a woman of the future, who broke all the rules of her time. A woman of today.”

Ute Lemper: Rendezvous With Marlene, The Queen’s Hall, Clerk Street, Saturday 8 February, 7.30pm, £12-£32,

Click here to read the article online at Edinburgh News