We are afraid of change
We want to be like the mountains
Solid and respectable
But the mountains are born
and sculptured out of earthquakes
Eroded by the wind
and the rain
Each day slightly different
Moving with time
The mountains change
Like your heartbeat changes
Quiero ser como los árboles,
Ellos son la desnudez
deshojada del invierno,
y la vestimenta del verano,
y van mas allá del terreno
dónde estan plantados.
Los pájaros y el viento
espárcen sus semillas
trabajadas por el viento
y por la lluvia.
Los árboles cambian.
Change like the wind
The path that feels right is the path of the nature
Which is constantly changing
Like the dunes in the wind
Change like your eyes
Change like your skin
And those who believe
That adventures are dangerous
I say – try routine –
That kills you more quickly
And makes you forget
Change like the world
Change like the wind
I wish I was like the wind
For no one knows where it comes from
And where it will go to
And it changes direction
Without having to explain why
We want to be like the trees
But they are clothed in the summer
And bare in the winter
And they grow towards the sun
Quiero ser como el viento.
Cambia de rumbo
sin explicaciones.
Nadie sabe de dónde viene
y hacia dónde va.
El cambio constante.
Como la naturaleza.
Como las dunas del desierto.
Una aventura maravillosa
repite la rutina
Te matará antes de tiempo.
Change like the wind
The path that feels right is the path of the nature
Which is constantly changing
Like the dunes in the wind
Change like your eyes
Change like your skin
And those who believe
That adventures are dangerous
I say – try routine –
That kills you more quickly
And makes you forget
Change like the world
Change like the wind
Change – Even if in the end
the final destination remains a mystery
Cambia – Aun si a la fine
el destino final es un misterio
Guitar: John Benthal
Piano: Clifford Carter
Bass: Steve Millhouse
Drums: Todd Turkisher
Percussion: Dafer Tawil, Jamshied Sharifi, Todd Turkisher
Ney: Dafer Tawil
Wind Synth & sound effects: Jamshied Sharifi
Flute Section
– Bass Flute: Kathleen Nestor
– Alto Flute: Susan Palma
– Flute: Elizabeth Mann
String Section
– Cello: Dave Egger
Richard Locker
– Violin: Rachael Golub
Joyce Hammann
Sean Carney
Laura Seaton-Finn
– Viola: Lois Martin
Louise Schulman
String Arrangement: Gil Goldstein