Publication : BroadwayWorld
By : Rebecca Kaplan
Date : Mar. 30, 2024

Singer Ute Lemper brought her show RENDEZVOUS WITH MARLENE to 54 Below for a one-night-only concert on Thursday March 28th in which she paid tribute to Marlene Dietrich. The show was inspired by a three-hour phone call Lemper had with the late Dietrich in 1988, in which Dietrich talked about “her life, her work and style, her love for the poet Rilke, her complicated relationship with Germany, her sorrow, and her fascinations.” The conversation began when Lemper sent Dietrich a post card “essentially apologizing for all the media attention comparing her” to the established singer. Lemper does indeed channel Dietrich quite stunningly.

The night featured music direction by Vana Gierig, also accompanied on the piano. See some snaps from the night by photographer Conor Weiss below.

(Click on thumbnail pic for full image)

Publication : blickpunkt musical
By :
Date : März 22, 2024

Foto: Tanja Schwind

Im ausverkauften Vindobona gastierte Ute Lemper mit ihrem abendfüllenden »Rendezvous mit Marlene«.

Sie ent- und verführte das zahlreich erschienene Publikum in das Leben der Dietrich. Dem Abend liegt ein Anruf der großen Marlene Dietrich bei der damals 24-jährigen Ute Lemper zugrunde ‒ eine wahre Geschichte. Die Geschichte wird von Lemper mit viel Traurigkeit, Melancholie, etwas Bitterkeit und viel Humor erzählt. Man glaubt, das Charisma der Dietrich im Raum zu spüren. Die Themen reichten von den fröhlichen Momenten des Showbiz‘ bis zur Kriegszeit, die die Diva als Deutsche dann besonders belastete.

Zu kurz kamen aber auch nicht die sexuellen Eskapaden der Dietrich, die offen bisexuell lebte. Begleitet wurde Lemper am Klavier von Vana Gierig. Zu hören gab es natürlich die Klassiker wie ›Sag mir wo die Blumen sind‹, ›Lili Marleen‹, ›Just a Gigolo‹ oder ›Ich bin die fesche Lola‹.

Der Abend, dargeboten von einem Weltstar in dem beinahe intimen Ambiente des Vindobonas über das Leben einer der wenigen großen Diven aus Deutschland, ist ein besonderes Erlebnis und hinterlässt bleibende Eindrücke beim Publikum. Es sei jedem ans Herz gelegt, wenn sich die Gelegenheit ergibt, diesen so zu erleben.

Eine ausführliche Kritik lesen Sie in der kommenden Ausgabe Nr. 129 / 03-2024 der blickpunkt musical.

Publication: Broadway World
By: Sharon Ellman
Date: February 11, 2024

As if a troubadour of old, Ute Lemper takes us on a historical journey through song

Stepping into Carnegie Hall’s presentation of Ute Lemper, WEIMAR BERLIN AND AFTER THE EXODUS on February 9, 2024 was as if leaping into the distant past. The show, part of a festival of Fall of The Weimar Republic: Dancing on the Precipice, delves into the arts and culture of this short yet important period in the world of innovative art and culture. As if a troubadour of old, the star of the show, Ute Lemper took the filled audience on a journey through song.  Theatergoers voyaged through the story of German post World War I economic hardship, coming into the sunshine of freedom, democracy, capitalistic decadence and finally devoured by the darkness of Hitler’s Nazi regime.

Lemper narrates as she moves musically from the economic poverty of the uncontrolled inflation of the German economy in post World War I. Along with her band, Vana Gierig (piano), Matthew Parrish (Bass), Todd Turkisher (Drums) and Cyrus Beroukhim (violin) she enters the stage, immersed within the center of the audience, dressed as impoverished street musicians to begin the story of the poverty and out of control hyperinflation which overwhelmed German lives in 1923.

The audience is then joyfully carried into 1924 when the creation of the Reichsmark stabilizes the inflation and Germans begin a life of fun.  “Divine decadence”, as Sally Bowles declared in Cabaret, was merely the icing on the Weimar cake.  Fun, frolic and morality all vied for the spotlight now. Lemper’s intense and emotionally powerful vocals brought us from the self indulgence of the decade onward with her renditions of “The Ballad of Mack The Knife” and “Life’s a Swindle” to “Pirate Jenny.” Channeling Marlene Dietrich, the songstress oozed the famed seductive screen siren’s androgynous sex appeal that marked a revolution during the Weimar period.  Lemper’s low and sultry English as well German language performances of “Just a Gigolo”, “Sex Appeal” and “Ich bin die fesche Lola” displayed the overtly sexual culture that had evolved in the freedom of society that was the late 20’s and early 30’s in Germany.  She aptly referred to this time as “dancing on the edge of the volcano.”

But by 1933 onward, all civilian rights and the independence of individuals to live their lives as they wished was slowly but surely curtailed by Hitler and the Nazi Party.  Ute Lemper  portrayed the music of those that ran into exile, like composer Hanns Eisler as well as the other composers, artists, singers, poets and writers who despite remaining hopeful were doomed to the ghettos and concentration camps that foretold death.

Throughout the performance, the fair-haired chanteuse changed costume from drab street musician attire, to black gown, jumpsuit, sexy red evening attire and ending with a long black somber covering jacket all while remaining on the stage – unbelievably peeling off one outfit after another.   Her physical transformation was like that of a chameleon adapting to its environment – each time clad in clothing that represented the ensuing change of political and hence cultural attitude.   From her appearance, we saw the Weimar Republic begin its rise from the ashes of the horrors of World War I, peak in cultural and societal openness and then just as swiftly crumbled due to the destruction of the country’s democratic government.

This reviewer was overwhelmed by the emotionally intense performance that was Ute Lemper, WEIMAR BERLIN AND AFTER THE EXODUS.  Using the music of the time as the conduit, Ute Lemperweaved a tale that began in darkness, became a  pinnacle of creative light and then succumbed to the murky depths of destruction nearly a century ago.  This very unusual cabaret production was much an homage to what could have been and what should have been if it had not been destroyed by the Nazis. Ute Lemper, WEIMAR BERLIN AND AFTER THE EXODUS featured the renowned singer Ute Lemper, with her band consisting of Vana Gierig (piano), Matthew Parrish (Bass), Todd Turkisher (Drums) and Cyrus Beroukhim (violin).

Find great shows to see on the Carnegie Hall website HERE.

Publication: RSI
By: Cristiana Coletti
Date: 1.2.2024

L’autobiografia di Ute Lemper (2./2)

Ute Lemper

Tempo attuale 2:38 Durata 28:13

Disponibile su:

Festival di Sanremo 1991 l’artista straniera abbinata a Enzo Jannacci è Ute Lemper, acclamata cantante, attrice e ballerina che a 28 anni ha già calcato i più importanti palcoscenici internazionali. Questa è una delle prime immagini di Ute Lemper che conserviamo nella nostra memoria collettiva. Nella sua autobiografia La viaggiatrice del tempo, uscita a dicembre 2023, l’artista tedesca raccoglie finalmente le vicende che hanno segnato la sua vita privata e professionale. Successi e gioie ma anche amare sconfitte personali e professionali, vengono raccontati alla luce degli eventi epocali che lei stessa ha attraversato e di cui voleva essere testimone. Nella sua intervista con Ute Lemper, Cristiana Coletti raccoglie alcuni dei passaggi più significativi ed intensi della sua storia.

Clicca qui per l’articolo on-line

Publication / by: Dora Heldt
Date: 31. Januar 2024

dtv proudly presents: “Die Lemper”! Sängerin, Schauspielerin, Tänzerin, Musicalstar, Autorin – Ute Lemper ist ein Weltstar und hat 2023 ihre zweite Autobiografie, “Die Zeitreisende”, veröffentlicht. Über dieses Buch und die Stationen ihrer Karriere, Metamorphosen und Marlene Dietrich, Mutter-Tochter-Beziehungen und vieles mehr plaudert sie mit Bestsellerautorin Dora Heldt in einer spannenden Folge, die wir Euch auch als Video bei dtv Verlag – YouTube sehr ans Herz legen. Lasst Euch mit auf eine Zeitreise nehmen!

Foto Ute Lemper: ©Guido Harari

Von Buchhändler Florian Valerius kommt der Buchtipp für Schlaflose Nächte:
James Hynes, Ich, Sperling
Florians Buchhandlung: GEGENLICHT Trier

Mehr Infos auf:
Mehr über Dora Heldt:
Mehr über Ute Lemper: Home – Ute Lemper

Erwähnte Bücher:
Ute Lemper, Die Zeitreisende
Ute Lemper, Unzensiert

Click here for the article on dtv website