Publication: Frankfurter Rundschau
Date: 12 April, 2018
By: Thomas Stillbauer

„Die Menschen sind kurzsichtig und egoistisch und unverantwortlich“, sagt Ute Lemper. Auch deswegen singt sie auf der Bühne die Lieder für die Ewigkeit.  (Pic : XAVI TORRENT/GETTY)

Chanson-Star Ute Lemper singt und bewahrt Lieder, die in Konzentrationslagern geschrieben wurden. Im Interview erklärt sie, warum es heute wichtig ist, diese Musik aufzuführen, und ob es hilft, zu singen statt zu weinen…

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Von Harald Suerland
Westfälische Nachrichten, Samstag, 03.03.2

Sängerin Ute Lemper steht am 27.11.2015 in Düsseldorf (Nordrhein-Westfalen) vor der Verleihung des Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreises auf dem roten Teppich. Chansonstar Ute Lemper (54) findet 50 plus ein tolles Alter für Frauen. (zu “Ute Lemper: Mit 50 nochmal richtig losgeschossen” vom 15.09.2017) Foto: Monika Skolimowska/dpa +++(c) dpa – Bildfunk+++

Programm der 10. Musiklandschaft Westfalen
„Wo immer ich über die Konzerte mit Ute Lemper spreche“, erzählt Dirk Klapsing, „höre ich sofort die Frage, ob es denn noch Karten gibt.“ Es gibt noch welche, kann der Intendant der „Musiklandschaft Westfalen“ dann antworten. Indes: Der Vorverkauf für die Auftritte der Sängerin in Raesfeld (27. Juli) und Münster (25. August) hat begonnen – und für die anderen Konzerte natürlich auch…

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by: Aaron Hicklin

Back at Cafe Carlyle after a long absence, the iconoclastic musician revisits a youthful encounter with the legend

Photo by David Andrako

Ute Lemper is back in Weimar—psychologically, at least. The musician who came to fame playing Sally Bowles in the original Paris production of Cabaret, for which she won a Moliere Award, and then gained great acclaim with her immaculate renditions of Kurt Weill’s song catalog, is in residence at New York’s elegant Café Carlyle until March 3, where she’ll perform songs associated with Marlene Dietrich, from her early Weimar years to her experiences in exile, singing for American troops during World War Two, and her later collaborations with the great Burt Bacharach. Inspired by a three-hour phone conversation between Lemper and Dietrich some 30 years ago, the show unrolls as a series of musings on the legend’s life and philosophy, and the ways in which it has illuminated Lemper’s own journey. Although she has resisted various overtures to play Dietrich over the years, Lemper considers her 90-minute performance as an homage rather than an imitation in which that long-ago conversation between a mentor and an ingénue is center stage. The chanteuse took time out of rehearsals to talk about her relationship with the legend, and why it took Germany so long to move beyond its resentment to finally embrace one of its greatest artists…

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By: Aaron Hicklin
Black Book

photo by David Andrako

Ute Lemper is back in Weimar – psychologically, at least. The German songstress who came to fame playing Sally Bowles in the original Paris production of Cabaret, for which she won a Moliére Award – and then gained great acclaim with her immaculate renditions of Kurt Weill’s song catalog – is in residence atNew York’s swank Café Carlyle until March 3. She’ll perform songs associated with Marlene Dietrich, from her early Weimar years to her experiences in exile, singing for American troops during WWII, and her later Collaborations with the one and only Burt Bacharach….

Click here to read the full article online.