Publication: Berliner Morgenpost – Bühnen
Date: September 2021
By: Ronald Klein

Ute Lemper rekonstruiert im Wintergarten ihr Telefonat mit Marlene Dietrich.

Es gibt Momente im Leben, die man nicht vergisst. Für Ute Lemper handelt es sich um ein Telefonat aus dem Jahr 1987. „Ich war noch nicht lange in Paris, wo ich die Sally Bowles in ,Cabaret‘ spielte“, erinnert sich die Sängerin, Schauspielerin und Autorin. „Eines Abends kam ich nach der Vorstellung an die Rezeption meines Hotels. Mir wurde eine Notiz übergeben, dass eine gewisse Marlene Dietrich angerufen hätte und sie es in zehn Minuten noch einmal probieren würde.“ Ute Lemper hastete in ihr Zimmer, pünktlich klingelte das Telefon – diese Anekdote markiert den Auftakt des gleichermaßen eindrucksvollen und berührenden Stücks „Rendezvous mit Marlene“, das Ute Lemper für drei Tage in den Wintergarten führt. Der Abend basiert auf dem realen Gespräch der beiden…

Click here to read the full pdf article.

This past year has us missing our favorite performers on stage, but fortunately Ute has TWO fabulous Digital Streaming Shows to catch online, take a look:

  1. All That Jazz (Online on June 5, 2021, see below for times)
    From the rooftops over Manhattan… Ute Lemper sings her most famous and loved songs from Weill, Brel, Piaf, Joni Mitchell, Romy Schneider and Kander & Ebb – a repertoire that she has developed through almost 4 decades of musical performances around the world, from Berlin to Paris, from London to New York.

Click here to book your tickets for this June 5 stream at Fane Online now.

2. Rendezvous With Marlene (Online through May 31, from Carnegie Hall’s Voices of Hope Series)

Rendezvous with Marlene is based on a three-hour phone exchange in 1987 between legendary actress Marlene Dietrich and Ute Lemper. At the time, Dietrich was living as a recluse in her Paris apartment, while Lemper was being celebrated by Parisian audiences for her performance as Sally Bowles in Cabaret. In this one-woman show, Lemper shares Dietrich’s story, channels her emotions, and celebrates songs that highlight various chapters of her career, from the Berlin cabaret years to her later collaborations with Burt Bacharach. In one of the most poignant periods of her life, Dietrich was especially vocal against the Nazis during World War II, renouncing her German citizenship and passionately supporting Jews and other dissidents who—like her—faced discrimination and retribution. Musical selections include “Where Have All the Flowers Gone,” “Falling in Love Again,” and “Lili Marleen.”

Click here to Stream this performance, now through May 31, 2021.